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Revillagigedo National Park, Mexican Pacific Ocean.

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In September 2015, Beta Diversidad created the Coalition in Defense of the Seas (CODEMAR) with the aim of extending its operational scope and focusing a large part of its efforts on the conservation of the marine ecosystems of our country, which currently suffer considerable deterioration, mainly due to three factors:


  1. Fishing overexploitation
  2. Pollution
  3. Climate change


After months of continuous efforts and in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Sermarnat), the National Commission for Natural Protected Areas (Conanp) and Pew Charitable Trusts (based in Washington), CODEMAR participated in the creation of the Revillagigedo National Park, declared in November 2017.


This area has become an unprecedented fact, since it is the largest Marine Protected Area free of fishing in North America with 14.8 million hectares.


Thanks to these measures led by CODEMAR, Mexico has become a leader in marine conservation worldwide, joining Latin American nations such as Chile and Brazil.


In addition, the Revillagigedo National Park contributes to the food security of our country and protects biodiversity.

The creation of Revillagigedo National Park
is hope for the seas in Mexico,
and the entire world
”.- Sylvia Earle.

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